Outwith the local area or represent an organisation/business

Supporter letter for general share issue

The Share Offer – a summary

This share issue is for individuals living outwith the local area of West Calder and Harburn or for organisations and businesses. Buying shares makes you or your organisation a member and co-owner of the Scottish Cooperative Discovery Centre Ltd. This is a Community Benefit Society registered with the FCA and structured so that a majority of members will always be local residents.

Optimum target: £250,000

Minimum target: £150,000

Maximum target: £350,000

Minimum investment for those outwith the defined community and organisations: £250

Maximum investment: £25,000 (10% of optimum target – see Share Offer Document  for more detail)

We hope to be able to offer interest payments and share withdrawal after five years of trading depending on the financial position at that point.

Share Offer opening date: 13 December 2023

Share Offer closing date: 31st March 2024 

You should read the full Share Offer Document before agreeing to invest and may wish to read the full Business Plan as well.

Community Shares Standard Mark

The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards of good practice. These standards ensure that:

  • The offer document and application form are easy to understand.
  • You are provided with all the facts you need to make an informed decision.
  • The facts are supported by the annual accounts and/ or business plan for the society.
  • Nothing in the documents is purposely incorrect, confusing or misleading. Societies are asked to sign a Code of Practice requiring them, among other things, to give the public a right of complaint to the Community Shares Unit.

In Scotland this supportive work is undertaken by Community Shares Scotland, which is funded by the Scottish Government, Acorns 2 Trees and the National Lottery Community Fund, to help promote the use of community shares. For more information about community shares, the Community Shares Standard Mark and the Community Shares Unit go to: communityshares.org.uk

Risk Warning

We must remind you that community shares, like all such investments, may be at risk. You could lose some or all of the money you subscribe, even though the Society is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. You have no right to compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, nor any right of complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please don’t invest any money you can’t afford to lose. This community share offer closes on 31st December 2023. However, if our minimum target has not been achieved by that date, the board reserves the right to extend the share offer.

Individuals must be over the age of 16 to buy shares and organisatons must be incorporated (if you represent an unincorporated group or organisation, please get in touch on [email protected] and we will be able to help you).

Each individual, family member or organisation must complete a separate form.

I wish to apply for shares in Scottish Cooperative Discovery Centre
If you represent an unincorporated organisation please get in touch at [email protected] and we will help you
Telephone of applicant
Telephone of recipient
I wish to invest £
(Minimum £250, Maximum £25,000)
I wish to invest £
(Minimum £250, Maximum £25,000)
NB Gift recipients will only become members once they have accepted the terms of membership themselves.

Or download a pdf form to print.


Community shares are an equity investment in a community benefit society. They are withdrawable and non-transferable. Put simply, this means that they are a way for community enterprises to raise money. They are a form of investment crowdfunding. Individuals and organisations who support the aims of the Scottish Co-operative Discovery Centre Limited are invited to invest in our business; in return they will become members of the Society plus have the potential to receive interest and to receive their money back once the enterprise is thriving.

The Scottish Cooperative Discovery Centre Ltd is a Community Benefit Society which is a type of business registered with The Financial Conduct Authority. We have set up this type of organisation because it has the ability to raise share capital and encourages experienced and interested people to become involved in running the business while ensuring that the local community retains some control. Its registration number is 9069, was incorporated on 15th May 2023 and has the registered address of West Calder Community Centre, Dickson Street, West Calder, West Lothian EH55 8DZ.

The Society currently has six board members. It has been supported in its incorporation by WCHCDT which will own a community anchor share, but they are legally separate entities. The society’s rules can be seen in full here on the FCA website. More information on the organisation and it's relationship with WCHCDT can be found in the Share Offer Document and Business Plan.

  • By investing you will become a Member of the Scottish Co-operative Discovery Centre Limited. This means that you have the right to participate and vote at member meetings and Annual General Meetings. You will therefore be able to influence the direction of the business and contribute to its success. Each Member will have one vote, regardless of the size of their investment.
  • We have applied for Advance Assurance from HMRC to confirm that investment in this share offer will be eligible for Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme income tax relief and believe we will qualify. If confirmed, people investing more than £1,000 will be able to be claim 50% of their investment amount as income tax relief (and if they use a capital gain to make the investment, can get 50% reduction in Capital Gains Tax, too). We are happy to discuss this further with potential investors.
  • Regular updates on how your support is helping achieve the aims of the centre
  • You or your organisation’s name on display in the building.
  • A personalised share certificate.
  • Members of the Scottish Co-operative Discovery Centre Limited are eligible to stand for election as a volunteer Director of the Society. You are also able to vote in the Director elections at each AGM. 

We will encourage all members to volunteer their skills to help the business. We have a number of roles already imagined from tour guides to archivist which will help keep costs down and bring new ideas. Part of the fun and strength of a community led business is active member engagement – either in a short-term or long-term capacity. You can directly and positively impact the Scottish Co-operative Discovery Centre. 

Anyone over the age of 16 can invest as can incorporated organisations; but there are certain restrictions. At least 51% of members must be resident in the defined local community of West Calder & Harburn (Community Members) and should the share offer not meet this criterion, then the board may not be able to accept some non-resident investments. This will be done based on investment size. Incorporated organisations can also invest, with a minimum investment of £250 (see also additional FAQ).

The minimum investment by people from West Calder & Harburn is £10; and the minimum for those living elsewhere or for organisations is £250 (although donations would be gratefully received). The maximum investment is £25,000 (or 10% of share capital whichever is lower).

Yes. If that person is over the age of 16, just fill out the necessary section of the online or paper Share Purchase Form. Note though that gift recipients will only become members when they have also accepted the membership terms.

Yes, you can, and we’d be delighted. If you contact us at [email protected] we can arrange to receive a donation. Thank you.

No. Unlike shares in most (limited) companies, community shares cannot be sold, traded or transferred between Members. However, the value of the shares of a deceased shareholder may be transferred to another person in accordance with their  wishes.

No. Community shares do not increase in value. However, they could lose some or all of their value. Remember, community shares are primarily designed to support the initiative for the good of the community.

If for any reason, WCHCDT are unable to finish redevelopment of the building to the point where the society can progress business as planned then the value of remaining member share capital will be returned subject to meeting outstanding liabilities. 

Our Society has an asset lock, so that in the event of insolvency or winding-up, the proceeds from the sale of assets and our cash would first pay off all our creditors. Any leftover funds would then be used to pay back shareholders’ investments on a pro-rata basis. If there is any surplus after returning funds to creditors and investors, this would be gifted to WCHCDT. 


Remember that the building will always be owned by WCHCDT for the community and only leased to the society. 


Note also that shareholder personal liability is restricted only to the value of your shares. Nothing beyond that is ever at risk.

It is our aspiration to be able to offer interest on your investment and the ability to withdraw your share capital sometime from year 5 of trading (likely 2031) if the business is thriving and, in a position, to be able to do so financially. It will be the responsibility of the board of directors to decide if this is appropriate. 

Remember, community shares are primarily designed to support the initiative for the good of the community.